2023-24【Creative Parenting Series Episode 4: Maybe Discipline is Difficult 👩🏫
【Creative Parenting Series Episode 4: Maybe Discipline is Difficult
As parents, it can be challenging to have our own opinions about everything concerning our children.
Do you find it difficultto practice discipline and say no?
There are actually four main parenting stylesand understanding which one is most helpful for your child's
growth can make discipline easier
Interested in knowing:Definitions and characteristics of the four main parenting styles.
Which parenting style is most beneficial for a child's growth.
Let's find outmore from the video!
Survey: https://forms.gle/WDzTDPX8VFkhRjUm7Parents, what does the term "discipline" mean to you? Do you agree that children need both "discipline" and "teaching"?
Scenario question: If your child keeps crying and demanding to buy a toy while refusing to leave while you're on the street, what would you do? Can you share your strategy with us?
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